One of the cornerstones of Truly Human Leadership is that everybody wants to know that who they are and what they do matters.
Someone else that came to that same insight in a scholarly manner, through his experiences and his research, is Professor Isaac Prilleltensky. He, along with his wife, Ora, wrote a book on the science and importance of mattering: How People Matter: Why it Affects Health, Happiness, Love, Work and Society.
You can find our more about the Professor, his work and his book on his website:
On this podcast, we talk about the science of mattering, the poverty of dignity in the world, the importance of listening, moving from a me-centric culture to a we-centric culture and we also talk about how all this relates to the work place and how leaders can apply the science of mattering to those within their span of care.
This is such an important discussion, you’ll want to go back and read the transcript of this conversation on our website,