Building trust requires constant, authentic communication. Communication is not just about words; it is also based on actions. Every action communicates something to the people in an organization. Too many companies say one thing and do another, breeding deep cynicism among its people over time.
This THL Refresher podcast features a discussion on the nature of trust and how to build trust in your organization with the Leadership Freak, Dan Rockwell, and Matt Whiat and Sara Hannah of Chapman & Co. Leadership Institute.
In 2009, at the age of 20, Kristen Hadeed started Student Maid, an all-student cleaning company that grew to employ more than 400 college students in two cities. In 2021, she took the lessons learned from that experience and moved fully into leadership development.
This was our first interview with Kristen, originally from 2016, but she had a prescient insight into the causes of today's "Great Recession." She has been part of a growing generation of leaders who are helping to highlight the sense of meaning and purpose that millennials are looking for in their work.
In other words, like everybody else, they simply want to know that who they are and what they do matters.